Archive | January, 2015

The horrible commute

The horrible commute

It’s been a long time since I’ve had to tackle the roads during rush hour – mostly I arrange meetings for times that enable me to leave earlier or later. However, on Monday, I had to travel from Oxford to Kent to press pass a magazine. What a nightmare! Not very original, moaning about the […]

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Life Lessons

Life Lessons

One of the most valuable pieces of advice I was given years ago when first starting out in my career was never to close doors – of course I mean this figuratively rather than literally. So, never say never, always leave people and projects on good terms, always pay what you owe, always deal with […]

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The writer’s mind

The writer’s mind

Being a writer is a very solitary occupation, but often the human brain is at its best when stimulated by others. As I’ve said before, I’m no scientist, so don’t expect me to come up with technical reasons why this should be so. As a writer, I spend days, just me, in front of a […]

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Sheep syndrome

Sheep syndrome

It has been said that humans are physiologically most similar to pigs and I would make a case for us being mentally most similar to sheep. I’m not basing this observation on anything scientific – believe me, anyone that knows me is well aware that science and I do not get on – it is […]

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